Quick COVID-19 New Zealand Primary Care Survey
Department of General Practice & Primary Health CareWe aim to understand and monitor NZ general practice responses to, and difficulties experienced by, the COVID-19 pandemic.

Who is involved
This research is part of a collaboration between the University of Auckland (led by Prof Felicity Goodyear-Smith), with the Larry Green Center, US (led by Dr Rebecca Etz), the University of British Columbia, Canada (lead investigator Dr Sabrina Wong), and the Australian National University (Prof Kirsty Douglas). The surveys are fielded weekly, fortnightly or monthly, depending on the status of the pandemic in the respective country.
What is involved
- Completing a very quick (3 minute) online survey
- If you choose, you can sign up to take the survey every fortnight
Results from the other countries are found at the following links for US, Canada and Australia. The NZ survey is supported by the RNZCGP, RNZCUC, GPNZ, PMAANZ, RGPN, and NZMA. Summary findings are rapidly available after each survey closes, and are disseminated to key policy-makers including Dr Ian Town (Chief Science Adviser for the Ministry of Health), Dr Ashley Bloomfield (Director-General of Health), and the NZ media.
- GP, nurse, nurse practitioner or practice manager working in a NZ general practice, urgent care or other primary care centre.
- Please feel free to disseminate this link to any colleagues who might be eligible.
- You may receive this invite from several places – please only take the survey once.